The Principal,
__________ (School’s Name),
__________ (School’s Address)
Date:__/__/____ (Date)
Subject: Leave Application Due to Brother’s Marriage
Respected Sir/Madam,
My name is ________ (Your name), a teacher of ___________ (Subject) at your esteemed institution. My employee ID is _________ (mention employee ID). I have been working here for the last _______ (Duration) years.
I am writing this letter to inform you that my brother is getting married on __/__/____ (date). In this regard, I hereby request you to kindly grant me leave from __/__/____ (date) till __/__/____ (date) for _______ (no. of days) days. The wedding ceremony is organized in ________ (location), and I need to travel there with my family to attend all rituals and ceremonies. I assure you that my absence will not affect the syllabus of my class, and I will make up for all pending lectures upon my return.
I hope you will consider my request and grant me the leave.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
__________ (Signature)
__________ (Your name),
__________ (Contact Number)
Incoming Search Terms:
- <ul> <li>Leave Application for Sibling's Marriage - Sample Letter for Attending Brother's Marriage</li> <li>Sample Leave Letter for Family Event - Application for Attending Brother's Wedding</li> <li>Brother's Marriage Leave Letter - Sample Application for Leave Due to Sibling's Wedding</li> <li>Leave Letter for Brother's Marriage - Template for Seeking School Leave for Family Event</li> </ul>