_________ (Receiver’s Details),
__________ (Name of the Institution),
__________ (Address of the Institution)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Lost certificate

Respected Sir/ Madam,

With due respect, this is to inform you that I am __________ (Name) and I am a resident of _____________ (mention your address).

I am writing this letter to express my disappointment over the certificate that I recently lost on __/__/____ (Date). I beg to inform you that the certificate that was issued to me by your institution after completing ____________ (course/program name/ training name) has been lost, and due to this, I am unable to present my evidence of qualification to the potential employers. I request you to kindly provide me with the replacement of the certificate.

The following are the details:

Name of the student: ___________ (Name)
Roll number/ student ID/Enrollment Number: ___________ (Roll number/ student ID/Enrollment Number)
Batch: ___________ (mention batch number)

I shall be highly obliged and thankful for your quick and kind response in this regard. In case, any query arises, please contact me at _____________ (mention the contact details).

Thanking you,

___________ (Signature),
___________ (Name),
___________ (Contact number)

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    • Lost Certificate Complaint Sample Letter
    • Sample Letter Complaining about a Lost Certificate
    • Lost Certificate Complaint Letter Template
    • Format for Complaining about a Lost Certificate