Complaint Letter to Car Manufacturer for Missing Package – Sample Complaint Letter Regarding Missing Package from Car Manufacturer

Customer Service,
__________ (Car Manufacturer),
__________ (Company Address)

Date: __/__/____ (Date),

Subject: Complaint Regarding Missing Package

Respected Sir/Madam,

Courteously, my name is __________ (your name), a resident of ___________ (address). I am writing to address the matter of a missing package associated with my recent car purchase.

I have recently purchased ___________ (car name), and it has come to my attention that the package, specifically the _______ (mention package – extended warranty/service package/other) as outlined in the purchase agreement, has not been delivered. In this regard, I kindly request you to provide assistance in issuing the mentioned package at your earliest convenience.

Please find attached the necessary documents for your reference and review.

Thanking you in advance.

_________ (Your Signature)
_________ (Your Name)
_________ (Contact number)