__________ (Name of the employee),
__________ (Address)
Date: __/__/____ (date)
This is to inform you that __________ (Name of the employee) is/ has been working for our company, __________ (Name of the company) as on __/__/____ (Date). I hereby state that _________ (name of the employee) has a good character and has been completely dedicated to working with this company.
He/ she has no outstanding balances and has no complaints in his/ her name. We assure you that the information stated is true to the best of our records.
For___________ (name of the company),
___________ (Authorized signatory details)
Incoming Search Terms:
- <ul> <li>Good Standing Letter Template for Employee - Sample Format for Employee Good Standing Letter</li> <li>Sample Employee Good Standing Letter - Format for Good Standing Letter to Employee</li> <li>Employee Good Standing Letter Sample - Template for Confirmation of Employee's Character</li> <li>Employee Good Standing Format - Sample Letter for Employee's Dedication and Conduct</li> </ul>