The Manager,
__________ (Name of the Gym)
__________ (Address of the Gym)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

____________ (Mention your name),
____________ (Mention your address)

Subject: Complaint about a lost/ stolen item

Respected Sir/ Madam,

I would like to inform you that my name is ____________ (Name) and I write this letter to complain about the loss of an item from the gym/ fitness center on __/__/_____ (date). I am shocked to inform you that my __________ (mention your item) went missing from my _________ (bag/ locker/ any other) and is to request you to kindly help me in finding the lost item as it is very important to me. Could you please check the CCTV camera footage for __/__/____ (date) from __:__ (time) till __:__ (time) and provide me with any update about my lost item?

I request you to kindly look into the same at the earliest possible and I shall be highly thankful for your kind support. For any further discussion or clarification, please do reach out to me on my phone/ email at ___________ (Mention the contact details).

Thanking you,
___________ (Signature),
___________ (Name),
___________ (Gym membership ID number),
___________ (Contact details)

Incoming Search Terms:

    • Sample Complaint letter about a lost or stolen item in a gym or fitness center template
    • Letter of Complaint about a lost or stolen item in a gym or fitness center in English
    • How to Write a Complaint Letter about a Lost Item in a Gym
    • Seeking Assistance for a Stolen Item in a Fitness Center: Letter Template and Tips
    • Importance of CCTV Footage in Recovering Lost Items from Gyms
    • Guidelines for Reporting a Lost or Stolen Item in a Gym: Sample Letter and Contact Information