Request Letter for Refund of Yearly Subscription Paid – Sample Letter Requesting Yearly Subscription Cancellation and Refund

The _________,
____________ ,
____________ (Receiver’s Details)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Request for refund of subscription amount

My name is ____________ (name) and I am writing this letter with the utmost respect to bring to your kind consideration that I am holding an annual subscription/ yearly subscription having _____________ (subscription ID/ registration ID number/ any other).

Through this letter, I would like to inform you that I am willing to cancel the subscription plan as __________ (mention the reason – brought by mistake/ any other) paid on __/__/____ (date ) for which I request you to kindly initiate the refund of the amount that is debited from my bank account.

I shall be highly obliged for your kind support in this regard. If you have any queries, please contact me at the contact details mentioned below.

Thanking you,

Yours Truly,
___________ (Name),
___________ (Contact number)

Incoming Search Terms:

  • <li>sample letter requesting for cancellation and refund of the annual subscription</li> <li>annual subscription cancellation and refund request letter in English</li>