Letter of Escalation Due to Poor Performance – Sample Escalation Letter for Poor Performance

When writing an escalation letter for poor performance, it's essential to maintain clarity and politeness. Clearly state the issue, including the employee's name and ID, the performance period, and the consequences of continued poor performance. Politeness is crucial, even when addressing serious concerns, to maintain professionalism and encourage improvement.

Table of Contents:

Sample Escalation Letter for Poor Performance

____________ (Receiver’s details)

Date: __/__/____ (date)

Subject: Regarding poor performance of _______ (Name & employee ID)

Respected Sir/Madam,

Please find this letter in reference to the performance report for the quarter/ financial year ______________ (mention the quarter/ financial year).

We regret to inform you that __________ (mention name and employee ID} has exhibited a significantly poor performance, which is not acceptable. As an employee of _________ (mention the name of the company), we strive for quality and excellence in all aspects.

We would like to emphasize that if there is no noticeable improvement within _________(mention duration), serious consequences, including termination of employment, may be imposed.

___________ (name of the company)
___________ (name),
___________ (designation)

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  • How should I address poor performance in an escalation letter?
    • Clearly state the employee's name and ID and mention the specific period (quarter/financial year) in question.
  • What consequences can be mentioned for poor performance in an escalation letter?
    • Mention that continued poor performance may lead to serious consequences, including termination of employment.
  • Is it necessary to mention the company's standards in an escalation letter for poor performance?
    • Yes, it's important to remind the employee of the company's standards of excellence to emphasize the seriousness of the issue.
  • What should be the tone of an escalation letter for poor performance?
    • Maintain a professional and firm tone while addressing the issue of poor performance.
  • How can I encourage improvement in an escalation letter for poor performance?
    • Clearly communicate the expectation of improvement within a specified duration and the potential consequences of not meeting that expectation.

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