Sometimes it might happen that you have given an application to make a document and at the time of submission you gave your name correctly, but due to some mistake or technical error, the wrong name gets printed on it. If something like this has happened to you too, and you are looking for an application to get your name corrected, then you can use this application to get it rectified.

Sample application for correction in name

__________ (Receiver’s Details)

Date: __/__/_____ (Date)

Subject: Application for correction in the name

I ________ (Name), S/o, D/o __________ (Name), a resident of _________ (Address) writing this application for correction in name.

Most respectfully, I would like to inform you that I have applied for ___________ (mention the application applied for) in my name i.e. ________ (Correct Name) on __/__/____ (Date) and the same was received on __/__/____ (Date).

I beg to inform that, due to some mistake/ negligence the name mentioned on the certificate was mentioned incorrectly as __________ (Incorrect name). The application number for the same is _________ (Application number). The name as on the __________ (ID Proof/ Address proof/ any other document) which was submitted along with the application is _________ (Name).

Therefore, I request you to kindly look into the matter and correct name on the requested thing as early as possible.

Thanking You,
____________ (Signature),
____________ (Your Name),
____________ (Contact Details),

Applications Related to Name Correction:

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