When writing a request letter to change your communication address with a bank, it is important to be clear and polite. Introduce yourself, provide necessary account details, and clearly state the reason for your request. Ensure to include all relevant information and avoid any ambiguous language. Express gratitude for the bank’s assistance and provide your contact details for any follow-up. This approach helps in ensuring your request is processed smoothly.
Sample Letter: Request to Bank for Changing Communication Address
The Branch Manager,
___________ (Name of the Bank),
___________ (Branch Address),
Date: __/__/____
Subject: Request for Updating Communication Address
Respected Sir/Madam,
Most humbly, I am writing to inform you that my name is _______________ (name) and I hold a ___________ (savings/current/fixed deposit/joint/other) account with your bank having account number _____________ (account number).
I am writing this letter to request an update of my communication address in your records. Due to ___________ (relocation/personal reasons/job change/family reasons/other), my new address is as follows:
New Address:
___________ (New Address Line 1)
___________ (New Address Line 2)
___________ (Landmark)
___________ (City)
___________ (State)
___________ (Country)
___________ (PIN/ZIP Code)
Please update your records to reflect this change and send all future correspondence to my new address. As per your requirements, I am attaching the necessary proof of address documents, which include ___________ (address proof). If you need any further information, please feel free to contact me at __________ (contact number) or via email at __________ (email address).
Thank you for your kind assistance and prompt action in this matter. I shall be highly obliged.
Yours sincerely,
___________ (Name)
___________ (Account Number)
___________ (Contact Number)
___________ (Email Address)