Request Letter for Issuance of Account Activity Report – Sample Letter Requesting for Detailed Account Activity Report

When writing a request letter to a bank for the issuance of an account activity report, it is essential to be clear and polite. Introduce yourself and clearly state the purpose of your letter. Specifically request the detailed account activity report, explain why you need it, and provide all relevant details. Always thank the receiver for considering your request. Ensure the language is clear and all necessary information is included to avoid any confusion.

Sample letter: Application for Detailed Account Activity Report

The Branch Manager,
___________ (Name of the bank),
___________ (Branch address),

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Request for Issuance of Detailed Account Activity Report

Dear Sir/Madam,

With due respect, my name is _______________ (name), and I hold a savings/current account with your bank, with the account number _____________ (mention account number). I am writing to request a detailed account activity report for the period from __/__/____ to __/__/____ (mention period).

This report is required for _______________ (mention reason, e.g., financial planning, audit, tax filing, etc.). I would be grateful if you could provide the report at your earliest convenience.

Enclosed herewith are the necessary documents for your reference, including ___________ (Identification proof) and ___________ (Account details).

Please let me know if any additional information or documentation is required. You can reach me at __________ (contact details).

Thank you very much for your attention and assistance in this matter.

Yours sincerely,
___________ (Name)
___________ (Account number)
___________ (Contact number)
___________ (Email address)