__________ (Recipient Details)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Apology for not attending swimming class

Respected Sir/ Madam,

This letter is in reference to the membership number _________ (mention the membership number) registered in my name i.e. __________ (mention your name).

Respected, the above-mentioned membership was availed on __/__/____ (date) with a duration of _________ (mention duration). I apologize to inform you that due to the reason __________ (mention reason for attending other classes/ medical reason), I will not be able to attend the swimming classes for _________ (number of days) from __/__/____ (date) till __/__/_____ (date).

I request you to kindly accept my sincere apology. I ensure that I will be joining the classes from __/__/____ (date) onwards.

___________ (Your name),
___________ (contact number)
___________ (Member ID)

Incoming Search Terms:

    • sample letter giving excuse for being absent from swimming classes
    • excuse letter for swimming classes