The Manager,
__________ (Property’s name),
__________ (Property’s address)
Date: __/__/____ (Date)
Subject: Request for Permission to Park
Respected Sir/Madam,
I am writing this letter to inform you that I am an employee of ________ (mention company name), which operates its office in your business towers, namely _______ (name of property).
I am writing this letter to seek your permission to park my vehicle on the premises. Due to unforeseen circumstances, my usual mode of transportation, which is a ________ (train/cab/bus/other), will be unavailable for a period of ________ (number of days). Therefore, I kindly request your permission to park my vehicle in the designated parking area from __/__/____ (date) till __/__/_____ (date). I want to assure you that I will strictly adhere to all parking regulations and guidelines throughout the designated period.
I expect your kind response. In case, you have any queries, please contact me at _______ (mention contact details).
Thanking you,
_________ (Signature),
_________ (Your name),
_________ (Contact details)
Incoming Search Terms:
- <ul> <li>Sample request letter for parking permission template</li> <li>Letter format for requesting for parking permission in English</li> </ul>