Request Letter for Electric Fan – Sample Letter Requesting for Installation of Electric Fan

__________ (Receiver’s details),
__________ (Company’s name),
__________ (Company’s address),

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Request for Installation of an Electric Fan at ______ (location)

Respected Sir/ Madam,

My name is _______ (name), and I am writing this letter with the utmost respect to request the installation of an electric fan at the ____________ (office/class/seminar hall/meeting room/corridor/hostel room/washrooms/any other). It has come to our attention that no fans are currently installed in the mentioned area and which causes suffocation at the said place.

Therefore, I, along with other members, kindly request you to install the electric fan. I shall be obliged for your kind action in this matter.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,
_________ (Your signature),
_________ (Your name),
_________ (Employee ID)

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  • <ul> <li>Sample request letter for electric fan template</li> <li>Letter format template for requesting the installation of an electric fan in English</li> </ul>