The Director/ Dean/ Management,
__________ (Name of the College)
__________ (Address of the College)
Date: __/__/____ (Date)
Subject: Permission for conducting shooting
Respected Sir/Madam
I am ________ (name), and I am writing this letter with the utmost respect to seek your kind permission to conduct a scene shoot for an/ a _________ (mention purpose for shooting – advertisement/ short film/ movie/ dance/ act/ other) at your esteemed College, _________ (name of the College).
Respected ___, I have been searching for a suitable College property with ________ (mention amenities – mess/ auditorium/ any other) for quite some time, and I believe that your College is an ideal location for our shoot. The shooting is planned to take place between :__:__ (start time) and __:__ (end time) on __/__/____ (Date). There will be a total of ________ (number of members), including actors and actresses, to be present during the shoot. Furthermore, we are willing to schedule the shoot on weekends or during vacations to ensure minimal impact on the academic activities of your College’s students.
To utilize your College for our _________ (mention purpose for shooting – advertisement/ short film/ movie/ dance/ act/ other), we are ready to pay any applicable charges and complete all necessary formalities. Moreover, this will help in publicizing your College to a larger audience.
I kindly request your permission to proceed with the shoot. I assure you that we will take every precaution to ensure that no harm or damage occurs to your College. In case of any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me at ________ (Contact Number).
Thanking you,
_____________ (Signature),
_____________ (Name),
_____________ (Contact Details)
Incoming Search Terms:
- <ul> <li>Sample permission letter for shooting in college template</li> <li>Letter format for seeking permission for conducting a shoot in College in English</li> </ul>