The Principal,
___________ (School’s Name),
___________ (School’s Address)

Date: __/__/____ (date)

Subject: Excuse for coming late to school on __/__/____ (Date)

Sir/ Madam,

I am ________ (name) studying in _______ (class) at your reputed school. My roll number is _______ (mention roll number).

I most apologetically inform you that due to some emergency, I reached school late. The situation was unavoidable and ____________ (mention your situation). I am apologetic for being late.

I apologize for coming late to school and ensure to come to school on time.

Yours obediently,
__________ (name),
__________ (student ID number)

Incoming Search Terms:

  • sample letter of excuse for coming late school
  • excuse of emergency for coming late
  • excuse letter for coming late to class

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