___________ (Employee’s Name),
___________ (Employee’s Designation)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Request for Retention

I trust this letter finds you well. Dear [Employee’s Name], I would like to express our sincere appreciation for your dedicated service in the capacity of ___________ (Employee’s Designation) at ___________ (Company Name).

The purpose of this communication is to convey our interest in retaining you as a valuable member of our team. Your hard work, commitment, and exceptional contributions have greatly benefited our organization, and we recognize the significance of retaining an employee of your caliber.

Your unique skills and dedication are irreplaceable, and losing a key team member like you would be a considerable loss for us. We genuinely value your role in the company and would like to discuss any concerns or preferences you may have.

We hope that you will consider this request positively, and we eagerly await your response.

For _______ (Company Name),
_______ (Stamp & Signature),
_______ (Your Designation)

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