__________ (Recipient Details)
Date: __/__/____ (Date)
Subject: Permission for a drone shoot
Respected Sir/Madam
I am ________ (name) and I am writing this letter to seek your permission to conduct a drone shoot for an _________ (mention purpose for shooting – advertisement/ short film/ movie/ dance/ act/ other) in your locality’s _____________ (mention location required for the shooting). I have been searching for such a location for a long time, and the mentioned location is ideal for the proposed drone shoot.
The shoot is scheduled to take place between __:__ (start time) and __:__ (end time) on __/__/____ (Date) at the aforementioned location. The crew will consist of ________ (number of crew members) members, including _________ (actor/ staff/ other).
To use the location for our _________ (mention purpose for shooting – advertisement/ short film/ movie/ dance/ act/ other), we are ready to pay any applicable charges and complete the necessary formalities.
I want to assure you that the shoot will not cause any harm or damage to your property. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me at ________ (Contact Number). I kindly request your permission to proceed with the shoot.
Thanking you,
_____________ (Signature),
_____________ (Name),
_____________ (Contact Details)
Incoming Search Terms:
- <ul> <li>Sample permission letter template for drone shooting</li> <li>Letter format for seeking permission to conduct a drone shooting in English</li> </ul>