Letter C - The Letter C

C– C/c — /C/

Alphabet in Capital LetterAlphabet in Small Letter

C is an alphabet made with the tongue to the front of the mouth with the jaw and lips open where the tongue touches none of the jaws.

Letter C - The Letter C

Few common words starting with C are cat, candle, candidate, cotton, chew, and a lot more.

Find Some Words Starting With Alphabet C:

Two alphabet word starting with C:

  • co, cu

Three alphabet word starting with C:

  • cat, car, cum, can, cow, cry, cut, cup

Four alphabet word starting with C:

  • card, cart, cent, cash, cine, camp, crew, crop, cure, corn

Five alphabet word starting with C:

  • could, cause, check, china, chime, child, carry, coast, chain, cycle, catch, cable, chose, clock

Six alphabet word starting with C:

  • change, common, cannot, credit, client, career, church, choose, cancer, crisis, coffee

Seven alphabet word starting with C:

  • certain, controls, company, chennai, central, college, colonel, caution, collins, ceiling, courage, charity, clarity, custody, cartoon

Other Alphabets:

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