Letter B - The Letter B

B — B/b — /B/

Alphabet in Capital LetterAlphabet in Small Letter

B is an alphabet made with the closed lips and when the said mouth is opened with tongue not touching any jaw.

Letter B - The Letter B

Few common words starting with B are Battle, Bangle, Bomb, Bing, and a lot more.

Find Some Words Starting With Alphabet B:

Two alphabet word starting with B:

  • be, by, bi

Three alphabet word starting with B:

  • bet, bee, boy, beg, bet, bag, bat, bin, buy, bye

Four alphabet word starting with B:

  • bang, band, bent, bard, beep, blow, belt, bing, bend, bowl

Five alphabet word starting with B:

  • bingo, baker, bribe, banks, below, bears, bands, bread

Six alphabet word starting with B:

  • bubble, barbie, Bombay, banana, branch, bubble, bakery, bullet, burden

Seven alphabet word starting with B:

  • balloon, balance, buttery, backlit, backups, bagpipe, benches, bailing

Other Alphabets:

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