The Manager,
__________ (Name of the Company),
__________ (Address of the Company)
Date: __/__/____ (Date)
Subject: Request for conference attendee ID card
Respected Sir/Madam,
Most humbly, my name is ____________ (Name), and I am working in your company’s __________ (department) as a _________ (designation).
I would like to inform you that I am participating in the conference on __/__/____ (Date) in our company’s ________ (conference room/ meeting room/ any other venue). In this regard, I am writing this letter to request you to kindly issue the conference attendee ID card.
This is to request you to kindly look into the same at the earliest. For any further discussion or clarification, please do reach out to me on my phone/ email at ___________ (Mention the contact details).
Thanking you,
___________ (Signature),
___________ (Name),
___________ (Employee ID)
Incoming Search Terms:
- <ul> <li>Request Letter Sample for Conference Attendee ID</li> <li>Sample Letter Requesting Conference Attendee ID</li> <li>Conference Attendee ID Request Letter Template</li> <li>Format for Requesting ID Card for Conference Attendee</li> </ul>