_____________ (Name),
_____________ (Receiver’s Address),
_____________ (City)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Dear ___________ (Name),

The great news has just come to know through _____________ (Family Member Name / Friend Name / Name / etc.) that you have given birth to a baby girl. I am really excited to see her. Accept our heartiest congratulations on your attaining motherhood. I Hope, your health is good and you’re fit.

A girl of such an intelligent mother will no doubt carve a brilliant pathway in life. Give our warmest love to the little one, and take care of your health. Do let me know what name you have decided to give to the baby. No doubt, very soon, I will be there to meet you and give my blessings to the child.

All our blessings are with you and your baby girl.

Yours Affectionately,
_______________ (Name)

Incoming Search Terms:

  • sample letter to friend congratulating her on becoming mother
  • congratulation letter to colleague employee for new born baby

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