Date: __/__/____

From ________,

Hope this letter finds you in abundant health and sound well-being. I am writing this letter to put forward a few of my opinions about reading newspapers regularly.

I adopted this habit _______ (days/months) back and I am quite impressed with the results. I get to learn a lot of new vocabulary which is quite impressive. I have improved my grammar too. These are just the basic benefits. Other than that, we learn language skills and we are updated with the latest news.

I would suggest you, start reading the newspaper on daily basis. It will not only help you in developing a reading habit but also will help you in being confident. The more you are acquired with knowledge, the more confident you are.

Just try this habit and let me know what changes you observed in your lifestyle. I will be waiting for your response.

Take care till then,

Yours loving,
___________ (Name)

Incoming Search Terms:

  • write a letter to your friend within 100 words about the importance of reading newspapers
  • write a letter to your friend informing about the importance of newspapers
  • letter to your friend informing about the importance of reading newspapers

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