From: ____________@_____._____ (Sender’s Email Address)
To: ____________@_____._____ (Receiver’s Email Address)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Invitation for birthday party

Dear __________ (Name),

This is a moment of joy to inform you that on __/__/____ (Date) is my birthday and I am organizing a party at _________ (Location). I am writing this mail to invite you to the celebration of my birthday. The celebration will begin at __:__ (AM/PM). Dress code for the party would be _________ (Mention dress-code if applicable).

I request you to come and grace on the occasion of my birthday party at the mentioned time.

Thanking you,
________(Your name)
________(Contact number)

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  • sample e-mail for an invitation for birthday party
  • an email inviting for birthday party
  • write an email to your friend for a birthday party invitation

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