Teacher sick leave application to Principal, letter to Principal asking sick leave, Sample Sick leave application for School Teacher in English
When drafting a sick leave application as a teacher, it's essential to be clear about your illness, the duration of leave required, and any relevant details like doctor's advice or previous leave history. Maintain a respectful tone throughout the letter and express gratitude for consideration. Ensure to include your name, department, staff ID number, and date. Request for the required number of days off due to illness and assure to follow any necessary medical advice for recovery.

Table of Contents:

Sample Sick Leave Application By School Teacher

The Principal,
__________ (Name of the School),
__________ (School Address)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Leave Application

Respected Sir/Madam,

With all due respect, my name is __________ (Name of the Teacher) from __________ (Mention your department/ class) holding ID number __________ (Staff ID number/ Serial Number Issued).

I am writing this letter to inform you that I have been suffering from __________ (Sickness Details – High fever/dengue/typhoid/any other). I was doing fine until last night when it became serious. So I humbly plead you to allow me to take leaves for __________ (Number of days). As per the doctor’s prescription, I need to have immediate bed rest and take less workload.

I have not taken any leaves before in this __________ (Semester/Year/Term). I hope you will grant me leaves for __________ (Number of days).

I will be grateful to you for this utmost kindness. Looking forward to your kind response.

Yours Sincerely/Thankful,
__________ (Name of the Teacher),
__________ (Signature)

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  • Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea.
  • Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags in HTML for better readability.

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  • Choose a Template: Click one of the template buttons ("Start with Sample Template 1", "Start with Sample Template 2", or "Start with Sample Template 3").
  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

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Click the "Download Letter" button after composing your letter. This triggers a download of a file containing the content of your letter.

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Click the "Share via Email" button after composing your letter. Your default email client will open a new message window with the subject "Sharing My Draft Letter" and the content of your letter in the body.

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Click the "Share via WhatsApp" button after you've composed your letter. Your default browser will open a new tab prompting you to send the letter as a message to a contact on WhatsApp.

Copy to Clipboard

If you want to copy the text of your letter to the clipboard:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.


  • Is it necessary to specify the reason for sick leave in the application?
    • Yes, it helps the administration understand the seriousness of the situation and plan accordingly.
  • Should I mention any previous leaves taken in the application?
    • Yes, it provides context regarding your overall attendance and helps in assessing the request.
  • Do I need to provide a doctor's note with the sick leave application?
    • It's not always mandatory but can strengthen your case, especially for extended periods of leave.
  • How soon should I submit a sick leave application after falling ill?
    • It's advisable to inform the school as soon as possible, preferably on the first day of illness or when you anticipate an extended absence.
  • Can I request specific accommodations or workload adjustments in the sick leave application?
    • Yes, if necessary, you can politely mention any special requirements or adjustments needed for your recovery.

Incoming Search Terms:

    • Teacher sick leave application to principal
    • letter to principal asking sick leave
    • Sample Sick leave application for School Teacher in English

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