When writing a request letter to your bank for extending the loan tenure, be clear and polite. Introduce yourself and include information regarding your loan in your correspondence to the receiver. Make a clear request for the extension, explain the reason, and provide complete justification. Always thank the receiver for considering your request. Avoid unclear language and ensure all necessary information is included.
Sample Letter: Request to Bank for Extending Loan Tenure
The Manager,
___________ (Name of the bank),
___________ (Branch address),
Date: __/__/____ (Date)
Subject: Request for Loan Tenure Extension
Respected Sir/Madam,
With due respect, my name is _______________ (name), and I hold a loan account with your bank. My account number is _______________ (mention account number), and the loan reference number is _______________ (mention loan reference number).
I am writing this letter to request an extension of the loan tenure for my _______________ (home/personal/car/education/business/other) loan. The current tenure is __________ (mention current tenure), and I would like to extend it to __________ (mention desired tenure). The reason for this request is _______________ (explain reason: financial constraints/change in job/medical emergency/other).
I kindly request you to consider my situation and approve the extension of the loan tenure. I assure you that this extension will help me manage my repayments more efficiently. Please find attached the necessary documents for your reference, including __________ (mention any relevant documents like ID proof, loan statement, etc.).
Thank you for your kind consideration and time. If you need to contact me for further information or clarification, please reach me at __________ (contact details).
Yours sincerely,
___________ (Name)
___________ (Account number)
___________ (Loan reference number)
___________ (Contact details)