The Officer In-charge,
__________ (Name of the Office),
__________ (Address of the Office)
Date: __/__/____ (Date)
Subject: Request for issuance of the death certificate
Respected Sir/ Madam,
I am writing this letter with the utmost respect to request the issuance of a death certificate in the name of my _________ (relation of the deceased), i.e., __________ (name of the deceased). He/ She passed away on __/__/____ (mention the date).
The _________ (mention the cause of death) caused death at : (time), and I request you kindly issue the death certificate. I shall be obliged for your assistance. I am ready to pay the charges decided by the authority for the requested service. As per the requirement, please find all required documents attached herewith.
Thanking you,
___________ (Signature),
___________ (Name),
___________ (Contact number)
Incoming Search Terms:
- <ul> <li>Request Letter Sample for Death Certificate ID Card</li> <li>Sample Letter Requesting Death Certificate ID Card</li> <li>Death Certificate ID Card Request Letter Template</li> <li>Format for Requesting ID Card for Death Certificate</li> </ul>