__________ (Recipient Details)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

__________ (Sender’s Details)

Subject: Parking fine reduction request

Dear Sir/ Madam,

My name is _________ (Name) and I am a resident of ________ (Locality). I am most courteously writing this letter in reference to the parking fine that I have been charged for parking at ________ (reserved area/ no parking area/ any other) space. A notice was issued to me on __/__/____ (Date) stating the charges with a fine for parking at the wrong place. The locality for the same is __________ (Location).

I was _______ (new to the area/ present there for work purposes/ to meet someone/ any other). I did not know that it was a ________ (reserved/ no parking/ any other) and parking was not allowed. I have always followed traffic rules issued by the government. Hence, I would humbly request you to _______ (reduce/waiver/any other) the penalty fee.

I hope you would take my request into consideration. In case, any other query arises, you may kindly contact me at ___________ (Contact Number).

__________ (Signature),
__________ (Name),
__________ (Contact Number)

Incoming Search Terms:

  • sample letter to request for reduction of parking fine levied
  • parking fine penalty reduction request letter

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