Letter to Your Father Explaining Reasons for Your Poor Performance in ExamLetter to Your Father Explaining Reasons for Your Poor Performance in Exam

Dear Dad,

Hope you all are doing well. I am also fine here. I am really missing you guys and can’t wait for the vacation to start, but please try and visit me before that. Please bring Mom and _____ with you, as I really want to see him/her.

Dad, in your last letter, you asked me about my poor performance in _______ (semester/half-yearly/any other) exams. I know you were disappointed and you expect me to do much better in the exams. I am sorry for my poor performance this time. Actually, just before my exams started I was ________ (playing/traveling/any other) with my friends and I was ________ (injured/ could not pay attention to studies/ any other).

__________ (At first, I didn’t have any problems, but when I wrote half of my paper, my hand started to hurt. After the exam, it started to grow. So I went to the doctor. He checked my hand and gave me some medicine for the pain and asked me to give my hand a little rest so that it can recover faster. I gave all the exams but did not do the papers as I wanted to – if applicable). ___________(mention your reason).

Please don’t worry about me. I promise to compensate for the lost percentages in my final exams.

Your Son,
_____ (Your name)

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  • sample informal letter to your father explaining him the reason for poor performance in the exam
  • letter to dad for your poor performance in exams