1: Which of the following is correct?
- Professor
- Professar
- Proffeser
2: Which of the following is correct?
- Fastener
- Fastner
- Fastnar
3: Which of the following is correct?
- Meditasion
- Meditation
- Maditation
4: Which of the following is correct?
- Expention
- Expantion
- Expansion
5: Which of the following is correct?
- Medikation
- Medication
- Medicasion
6: Which of the following is correct?
- Subcribe
- Subscribe
- Subscriebe
7: Which of the following is correct?
- Barbeque
- Barbaecue
- Barbaeque
8: Which of the following is correct?
- Witholed
- Withhold
- Withold
9: Which of the following is correct?
- Rhythem
- Rythm
- Rhythm
10: Which of the following is correct?
- Gauge
- Guage
- Gaege
11: Which of the following is correct?
- Adultarie
- Adultary
- Adultery
12: Which of the following is correct?
- Misteress
- Mistress
- Mistaress
13: Which of the following is correct?
- achieve
- acheive
- acheive
14: Which of the following is correct?
- Difference
- Differance
- Diferance
15: Which of the following is correct?
- Bellweather
- Bellwether
- Belweather
- Professor
- Fastener
- Meditation
- Expansion
- Medication
- Subscribe
- Barbeque
- Withhold
- Rhythm
- Gauge
- Adultery
- Mistress
- achieve
- Difference
- Bellwether