Practice Test 2 – Commonly Misspelled Words Quiz – Practice for Free
1: Which of the following is correct?
- Atitude
- Attitude
- Atittude
2: Which of the following is correct?
- Correction
- Corection
- Correcction
3: Which of the following is correct?
- Courteously
- Courtoeusly
- Courtously
4: Which of the following is correct?
- Subcribe
- Subscribe
- Subscriebe
5: Which of the following is correct?
- Vacumm
- Vaccum
- Vacuum
6: Which of the following is correct?
- Secretory
- Secretary
- Secratary
7: Which of the following is correct?
- Posession
- Possesion
- Possession
8: Which of the following is correct?
- Guarantee
- Guarentee
- Garentee
9: Which of the following is correct?
- Intelligence
- Inteligence
- Intellegence
10: Which of the following is correct?
- Anually
- Annually
- Annualy
11: Which of the following is correct?
- Acnowlege
- Acknowledge
- Aknowledge
12: Which of the following is correct?
- Receiver
- Receiever
- Reciever
13: Which of the following is correct?
- Manager
- Meneger
- Managar
14: Which of the following is correct?
- Marketing
- Markiting
- Marketeng
15: Which of the following is correct?
- Successful
- Sucessful
- Succesful
- Attitude
- Correction
- Courteously
- Subscribe
- Vacuum
- Secretary
- Possession
- Guarantee
- Intelligence
- Annually
- Acknowledge
- Receiver
- Manager
- Marketing
- Successful