Request Leave Letter for Going to Temple – Sample Leave Application for School for Visiting Temple

Writing a leave application to your school principal is important for informing them about your child’s absence. The letter should be clear, polite, and to the point. Mention your child’s name, class, roll number, and the reason for the leave. Avoid unclear language and ensure you include all necessary details like the date of leave and contact information for follow-up. A well-written letter helps in maintaining good communication between parents and the school.

Sample Leave Application for School from Parents for Visiting Temple

The Principal,
___________ (Name of the School),
___________ (Address of the School),

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Leave Application for Visiting Temple

Respected Sir/Madam,

With due respect, I am writing to inform you that my name is _______________ (name), and I am the parent of _______________ (child’s name), who is a student of __________ (mention class) with roll number _____________ (mention roll number).

I am writing to request leave for my child due to our visit to the temple. The leave is required from __/__/____ (start date) to __/__/____ (end date). During this period, my child will not be able to attend school.

Please consider this request and grant the leave. If there are any concerns or if further information is needed, you can reach me at __________ (parent’s contact details).

Thank you for your understanding and support. I shall be obliged.

Yours sincerely,
___________ (Parent’s Name)
___________ (Contact Number)

Sample Application for School from Student for Visiting Temple

Writing a leave application to your school principal is important to inform them about your absence. The letter should be clear, polite, and to the point. Mention your name, class, roll number, and the reason for the leave. Avoid unclear language and ensure you include all necessary details like the date of leave and contact information for follow-up. A well-written letter helps in maintaining good communication between students and the school.

Sample Application:

The Principal,
___________ (Name of the School),
___________ (Address of the School),

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Leave Application for Visiting Temple

Respected Sir/Madam,

With due respect, I am writing to inform you that my name is _______________ (name), and I am a student of __________ (mention class) with roll number _____________ (mention roll number).

I am writing to request leave as I need to visit the temple with my family. The leave is required from __/__/____ (start date) to __/__/____ (end date). During this period, I will not be able to attend school.

Please consider my request and grant me the leave. If there are any concerns or if further information is needed, you can contact my parents at __________ (parent’s contact details).

Thank you for your understanding and support. I shall be obliged.

Yours sincerely,
___________ (Your Name)
___________ (Roll Number)